American Fascists Call For Civil War Against “Liberals”

July 23, 2017

Alex Jones

The far-right wingnuts and followers of Mein Trumpf are officially declaring war on “liberal” political enemies. Spoiler Alert; the right-wing is also heavily armed and have been practicing for this since the day of cold-war bomb shelters.
In a stunning recent article, Newsweek details the raging impulse for American neo-fascists to hunt down and execute fellow Americans, and of course Alex Jones is at the forefront of the movement. For his part, Jones tries to pass his rants off as the mere hyperbole of a showman. But his war cry clearly resonates with reactionaries and militia affiliates. Here are a few excerpts from Newsweek:

Alex Jones and Other Conservatives Call for Civil War Against Liberals

By Nina Burleigh On 7/21/17 (excerpts)

“In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

Jones is hardly alone in promoting this scary, emerging narrative on the right. The theme gained momentum after the shooting at the congressional baseball game last month. The day before the attack, on June 13, right wing broadcaster Michael Savage, host of syndicated show The Savage Nation, warned that “there’s going to be a civil war” because of “what this left-wing is becoming in this country.”

“After the shooting, Newt Gingrich opined on Fox that “we are in a clear-cut cultural civil war.” Former GOP speechwriter Pat Buchanan wrote that the appointment of a special prosecutor and political street clashes presage a “deep state media coup” and that the nation is “approaching something of a civil war,” and it’s time for Trump to “burn down the Bastille.”

“On June 23, he accused “the left” of starting civil war and offered to personally execute convicted traitors because, he said, “I’m not going to sit here and just call for stuff without actually being part of it.” In the same broadcast he said, “I don’t need some coming-of-age deal to kill a bunch of liberals,” but “we have to start getting ready for insurrection and civil war because they’re really pushing it.”

“On June 15, he warned “you kick off Civil War 2, baby, you’ll think Lexington and Concord was a cakewalk.” The day before, he implicated himself and his listeners: “You’re trying to start a civil war with people. You’re taking our kindness for weakness. Do you understand the American people will kill all of you? You understand? We are killing machines, you fools.… But I can shoot bull’s-eye at 400 yards, dumbass. I mean, they have no idea who they’re messing with.”


We’ve been warning about this since Trump was elected. On December 4 2016 I published “Warning From A Former Secret Service Agent”


With that said, I feel it important to mention a conversation I had with a man last week. He said his son had been a Secret Service agent who had recently left the service, took a pay cut and became a fireman.

“He saw the writing on the wall and got out before the election”.

Me: Well what does he think about Trump?

“He believes that the various militia groups may be used by Trump as street enforcers”

Me: Like the storm troopers in Germany? The S.A.?

“Absolutely, and I’m worried about it too”.


On May 11 I wrote “The Alt-Right Storm Troopers Begin To Organize”

In that article we quote from Heather Digby Parton’s article about the NRA; “Could the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Talk Trump into a Violent War on the Left?

And Rick Perlstein in Newsweek:

“Rick Perlstein: The Alt-Right Is Gunning for Anti-Trump Protesters

“A friend writes, “For basically the past six months or so I’ve been trying to tell my lefty friends in so many words, ‘Hey, there are a bunch of people on the Internet who are waiting for someone to tell them it’s okay to start shooting at you.’”

He became concerned when a thread at the non-political firearms-enthusiasts website he regularly follows became filled with comments in all caps referring to liberals as enemies who must be shot.

And in May we reported this:

Republican Party Leader Calls For Militia Bodyguards

And indeed, the Republican Party in Oregon has started using militia bodyguards, in at least one case they assisted police in roughing up protestors:

This is going to be one long, hot summer. If Trump gets threatened with impeachment, it’s within the realm of possibility that he would harness the power of the armed right-wing to do his bidding in the streets. After all, they’ve been practicing for this for several decades.

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