FBI Mission Statement: Keep Progressives Out Of Politics

January 28, 2019

Every now and then the FBI reveals their true nature. The latest not-so-secret slip of the lip involves some supposedly legendary FBI agent and the suppression of progressives in politics. This should be a wake-up call for the so-called “Resistance” Democrats who are so enamored with The FBI’s investigation of the Trump crime family.
Note to “Resistance” progressives: The FBI has fucked you over for more than seventy years.

Go to the website “Law & Crime” at this link for more details:


“A former high-ranking U.S. government official recently admitted that the Federal Bureau of Investigation previously worked to keep “progressives” and “socialists” out of government–years after the agency officially claimed they no longer engaged in such efforts.”

Video below:

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2 Responses to FBI Mission Statement: Keep Progressives Out Of Politics

  1. fayez abedaziz on February 1, 2019 at 3:13 am

    Ah, our old friends the FBI.
    The fellas with the suits and ties (well, I gotta admit, at least they matched)
    Yeah, the good ol’ days of COINTELPRO! How ’bout that?
    Yes, friends and enemies o mine, that FBI program spied on people that thought they were free Americans, you know, like freedom of speech and of assembly. That program was illegal, immoral and anti Constitution. But, so? The FBI and CIA (see MK-ULTRA)didn’t care then and they don’t care now.
    Then, lives were destroyed, false accusations were made so as to cause dis-unity in liberal/progressive groups and more such damage was done. During the many demonstrations in those wild 60’s days, there were snitches taking pictures of demonstrators and reporting on who was attending meetings that were activist oriented like the anti war ones (against Vietnam).
    I was there and I saw that and now days the intelligence agencies do what they want and the American sheeple are all just numbers, but then, since most Americans don’t care, well then, who cares…
    Look at whose advising Trump and at the alleged human that was made the head of the CIA-madam torture: Gina Haspel.
    Quite a sick situation in a society that is not morally well.
    Can you dig what I’m sayin?’
    Isn’t she, isn’t this a bitch?

  2. Tex on February 1, 2019 at 2:14 pm

    J. Edgar Hoover was one of the most notorious criminals in the history of the United States. He routinely violated the civil rights of commoners and kings, princes and paupers.

    So egregious were his crimes that it is IMPOSSIBLE to imagine that he never committed perjury during his long and insufferable tenure as the head of the nation’s most aristocratic police force.

    His myopic obsession with ridding the world communist sympathizers is legendary and he would stop at NOTHING to achieve the mission. In Hoover’s mind all that mattered was that the mission was accomplished.

    If that meant invading the privacy of presidents or turning a blind eye when a president’s brains were splattered all over Dealey Plaza by an assassin’s bullet, then so be it…the mission was NOT to be abandoned.

    His successors have perhaps been a bit more discreet in their fervent desire to protect the empire but they have been no less criminal in their ways.

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