Review: The Hidden History Of The Human Race

January 3, 2021

As the plague season rolls on, my reading has (as a matter of sanity) drifted from hard-core political filth to more esoteric subjects. They have been quite a welcome distraction.

For instance, I recently reviewed “Daydream Sunset” by Ron Jacobs, about counterculture in the 1970’s. (All reviews can be found at )

Then we looked at “The Hunt For Zero Point” by Nick Cook, which presents a plausible argument that actual anti-gravity research has produced vast, advanced technology. We may be seeing that in the recent Navy videos of the UFO/UAP phenomenon.

After that, I reviewed “Breath” by James Nestor, a book about how ancient breathing techniques can help us be stronger and healthier.

And finally, the book “Bigfoot! – The True Story Of Apes In America” by Loren Coleman, a book I really enjoyed partly because of my past experiences.
This book led me to a few other revisionist history/anthropology titles, one of which is “The Hidden History of The Human Race”.

The Hidden History of The Human Race, by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson is one of the most confounding books I have ever read.
The premise is that the human race and accompanying technology actually existed in way, way more ancient times than is commonly recognized.

“Hidden History”, which weighs in at over 300 pages, is the condensed version of the 900- page edition of “Forbidden Archaeology”, which doesn’t make it any easier to read or gather a complete picture.
If you go to the Wikipedia page Here: – we see quite a bit of criticism of the book as pseudo-science.
Indeed, Cremo is a member of a Krishna-based belief system that follows ancient Indian Vedas. The accusation is that this book provides cover for those ancient stories.
Comparisons are made to Christian creationism theory, and that Darwinian evolution is simply incorrect. However, I should point out I could find no evidence of religion in the text of this book.

The book largely relies on discoveries dating back into the nineteenth century, when scientific analysis was in it’s infant stages. It is suggested that artifacts that were (for instance) found deep in mines (ball bearings, nails, etc.) could not have been placed there or migrated to such depths.
The authors suggest these items have been secreted away and confirmation bias in modern science has compromised these finds of past centuries. Some exist in drawings and old photos, but we should indeed realize most of these finds were by unskilled laborers with an uncertain evidence trail.

The book also suggests that different species on the human tree existed at the same time. Well, that is true in the case of the Neanderthals. But Cremo and Thompson are describing missing branches of the human tree that represent more primitive and somewhat ape-like creatures. This would possibly explain how something like Bigfoot (Sasquatch) could still exist today.

To me, an untrained reader that rejects anything close to creationism, this book is a real head scratcher.
For instance, how could a human-type skull be found in deep deposits that could be 50 million years old?
How could a metallic sphere, resembling a ball bearing with three grooves around the center, be dug out of a mine in South African deposits estimated to be 2.8 billion years old?

There are just too many examples that the authors explore. The reader is somewhat overwhelmed.

However, there is a possibility that both this ancient Earth theory and modern science could share common ground.
For instance, the introduction of “Hidden History” is written by someone who I have a lot of respect for; Graham Hancock.
Hancock is known for his own alternative history books (Fingerprints Of The Gods) , which are based in a somewhat keener science.
Hancock has been tracking the recent finds of very, very ancient structures that realistically place human engineering at far earlier dates than recognized today.

Additionally, Hancock and others have basically proven that the earth was just about destroyed by impact of asteroids or a comet that broke up. It is undeniable that the Earth has suffered near destruction many times over. Hancock believes with good reason, that an impact some 12 thousand years ago forced humans underground, only to come back and repopulate the world.
Every ancient culture has these same stories and legends of destruction and rebuilding. In view of this, we could suppose that a civilization more advanced than imagined could have existed, Atlantis-style, been destroyed, and survivors sent wise men out to gather what remained.

“The Hidden History of The Human Race” was both fascinating and confusing to read. I plan to read more of Graham Hancock’s work to explore the possibilities regarding ancient civilizations which may fill in some of the blanks.

I can say this: Cremo and Thompson lay down a lot of information, much which can not be completely verified, but it’s a hell of an interesting read, and is worth the time if you have an interest in this field.

–John Titus

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One Response to Review: The Hidden History Of The Human Race

  1. Tex on January 6, 2021 at 3:11 pm

    My own study on the history of climate change, more correctly described as “planetary carbon toxicity” has led me to reexamine a lot of what I have been taught since the day I first cracked the pages of a “history” book.

    When you come to realize that scientists have found evidence in gas bubbles trapped miles beneath the surface of Greenland which support the argument that the 21st century is not the first time a global extinction has been caused by carbon toxicity, it causes you question everything you have been taught.

    Consider the following as “food for thought:”

    1. During the Last Glacial Period, which ended approximately 12,000 years ago, the area where Chicago is now located was covered in a sheet of ice that was FOUR MILES thick.

    In other words, a sheet of ice that was 4.3 times as thick as the tallest mountain in the western or southern hemisphere.

    2. The average temperature of the earth at sea level as of 2020 is the hottest it has been in the last 800,000 YEARS.

    The last statement is supported by data that has been gather from trapped gas bubbles found MILES below the current surface of the planet. So deep below the surface of the earth that it begs the question how it was found using today’s technology, much less how it got there in the first place?

    My point is, that there is so little we really know about the past and so much that we don’t know, that is is foolish to assume that we know anything of substance.

    We are fools who dance in a fool’s parade.

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