The Robert Kennedy Assassination – 50 Years Later The Truth Comes Out

June 5, 2018

A full 50 years after the assassination of Robert Kennedy, something significant appears to be happening; real reporting on the subject. The establishment mythology is that Kennedy was shot by lone gunman Sirhan-Sirhan in the kitchen of The Ambassador Hotel. But sources as mainstream as The Washington Post are seriously addressing the actual facts: Kennedy was shot from behind while Sirhan was directly in front and being restrained, and physical and acoustic evidence proves that as many as 13 shots were fired when Sirhan had an eight-shot pistol. Another assassin was present.

Washington Post:

Did L.A. police and prosecutors bungle the Bobby Kennedy assassination probe?

And this blockbuster:

The assassination of Bobby Kennedy: Was Sirhan Sirhan hypnotized to be the fall guy?


Lisa Pease, a long-time researcher on the assassinations of the 1960’s has a new book coming out this fall with the most complete investigation of the Robert Kennedy assassination that has been produced yet, “A Lie Too Big To Fail” – available for pre-order at the link below:

In an internet exchange with Pease, she directed me to the book “Age Of Secrets”, the story of John Meier, an associate of Howard Hughes with a long history of dirty money, the fall of Nixon and the CIA. One of the prominent individuals in Meier’s account is Robert Maheu, a director in the Hughes organization which often veered into work for the intelligence agencies.

In the appendix of “Age Of Secrets”, there is an excerpt from John Meier’s diary on the Robert Kennedy assassination. In it, Meier reports that Robert Kennedy knew that Maheu was CIA (p.332)

Refering to Thane Eugene Cesar, a security guard suspected to be a possible assassin who was behind Kennedy, Meier writes:

“… Thane Cesar… working for ACE Guard Security and was also employed by Lockheed Aircraft. I remember Thane from his trips to Vegas where he was meeting with numerous gaming people and was introduced to me by Hack Hooper, an associate of Bob Maheu”. (P.339)

“June 15, 1968 – Saturday… 8 a.m. Received a call from Jack Hooper who told me he was speaking with Robert Maheu and I was never to mention his name or Bel Air Patrol!” (p.340)

Speaking with Don Nixon, Richard Nixon’s brother:
“June 25, 1968 – Tuesday – “When I approached him on the RFK assassination subject, Don got very upset and told me he could not discuss it with me and that Maheu had advised him during his last meeting not to discuss the matter with me and that if I did bring up the subject of RFK, Maheu was to be told right away.” (p.343)

*** and this:

“October 25, 1969 – My friends and I were taken on the President’s yacht all day. We also visited the President’s beach house. On the yacht I sat stunned as Don Nixon, after many drinks started talking about the RFK assassination, his brother being in Texas when JFK was assassinated and Bob Maheu telling Don about Bob’s conversation, with Don in Las Vegas. Maheu took credit for the RFK murder. The ones that sat around the table, with their mouths open were shocked. Don is a nice man who regrets being the President’s brother.” (p.348)


We’ll have to wait until Lisa Pease’s new book “A Lie Too Big To Fail” is released to get the most detailed and complete reporting on the Robert Kennedy assassination, but from what I can see there is a lot of emphasis put on the probability that Sirhan was hypnotized to serve as a distraction while the actual killer fired at Kennedy from behind.

In 2013 I wrote “The Hypno-Programmed Assassin”, which can be found at this link:

Here is a scene from the movie “The Parallax View” which shows an element of programming that is used to test potential assassins:

And here is stage magician Derren Brown demonstrating how a person can be hypnotized into killing someone without knowing or remembering what they just did. It’s very convincing, and borrows from the exact details of the Robert Kennedy assassination:

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