An Abusive Relationship With “Mafia Don”

March 30, 2017

Dear Problem-solver;
My friend is stuck in an abusive relationship with an individual I’ll call “Mafia Don”. This problem has existed for years, but last November things really went bad. Mafia Don refuses to let certain guests visit. He has started to tear up the yard and gardens. He won’t help pay for food and medicine, and insists on buying lots of guns. His friends and employees constantly make excuses for him.
But what my friend is most worried about is that Mafia Don seems to hang out with Russians who like to snoop around, and they may have put pressure on their marriage.

Is there any advice you can give my friend?
Signed, Citizen D.

Dear Citizen D:

Many, many people know about Mafia Don and are quite concerned that he doesn’t take proper care of his house, is a raging bully and keeps dark secrets with his children. It may take years to repair the gardens, buy food and medicine and be welcoming to new neighbors again.

None of this will happen until Mafia Don hits rock-bottom. He needs to go to a meeting and fully explain to a group of his peers just exactly what he has been up to. He could start with “Hi, I’m Mafia Don, and I’m in way over my head”.

But let’s look at the problem he has with Russians; Authorities have said that there was “No collusion” between Mafia Don and Russian snoops. (1)
Mafia Don and his employees are not smart enough to work with actual Russian snoops.

The problem is that Mafia Don has so much trouble managing money that he has gone broke 7 or 8 times. No honest bank would loan Mafia Don money anymore, so he turned to financing by Russian criminals. Some of those criminals may have worked with Russian and even American snoops. Mafia Don is well known to American law enforcement agencies. (2)

Your friend may find relief in time, it could take several years.
At that time they will have to end the relationship. But Mafia Don’s employees are already getting caught in lies, and they in turn will surely point the finger of blame at their boss.

Good luck.

(1) Clapper: No Evidence of Collusion Between Trump and Russia

(2) Why FBI Can’t Tell All On Trump, Russia

Also: “Trumps Mafia Ties Largely Ignored”, from January 2016

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