Dire Warning From An Old China Hand

December 7, 2017

Last century in the 1980’s I was teaching at a Korean karate school, and had a conversation with a fellow Black Belt named Brian. Brian had just returned from a special forces mission on the DMZ border between North and South Korea. I asked him how it went, and he said; “Well, nobody died this time”.

I was a little shocked, as there was no war going on or anything. He said last time he was there, there was a firefight where one guy was shot dead and another drowned in a river, presumably he was shot also. That taught me a little about what they were up to on the North Korean border.

Now we have master grifter and mob associate D.J. Trump looking for major distractions to guide eyes away from his life of crime. Jerusalem, Iran and North Korea are at the top of the list for dangerous distractions.

So tonight I had a conversation with a friend that had lived in China for years, and wrote for various Chinese media. He lives in the states now with his wife, who he met in China. He showed me a Chinese language article that was instructing residents (where his wife’s family lives) near the N.K./China border what to do if nuclear fallout drifts their way.
This is serious.
He also said a source had told him that the U.S. military has told South Korea that a strike on the North could come at any time without notice.

He had also told me that China fears a huge refugee crisis as people may flee North Korea and attempt to get to China.

The results of a conventional war, without nukes would devastate both the North and South. Nuclear weapons would cause the situation to get completely out of control. Years ago I read in “Foreign Affairs”, the publication of The Council On Foreign Relations – the doomsday plan North Korea has. If they get their back against the wall and have no other alternatives, they plan to blow a huge dam on a river that runs right through Seoul, South Korea. That alone would wipe the biggest city in South Korea off the map.

Trump is so unstable and facing serious legal issues, let’s hope staff around him keeps him contained.

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